What is the Process of NGO Registration in Uttar Pradesh?
Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state that is the second-largest contributor to the national GDP. UP has been continually showing progress in the field of commerce, professions, and the service sector. Therefore this thriving state of India has provided overall valuable support for NGOs to ensure social, economic, and cultural development. NGO Registration or Trust Registration Process NGO registration in India can be categorized into three types: NGO registration as a Trust: Few states have their trust act to regulate its registration in that particular state. In case there is no separate act, the Indian Trust Act 1882 provides the following Process for NGO Registration as a trust : Initiate the process by preparing a trust deed that contains the following details: Name and address of settlor and trustee Name of the trust with which it will be registered Objects of the trust Rules and regulations for trust operation Approach...